Spencer Heath's
Spencer Heath Archive
Item 1397
Letter to Doctor S.A. Schneidman and Miss Pyrrha Gladis Grodman, 207 Jamaica Avenue, Bellaire, Long Island, NY
December 21, 1941
Original is missing.
Dear Doctor and Miss:
You may not have seen my friend, Mr. Woodlock’s commentary on the philosophy of Oppenheimer and Geiger as appearing in the American Journal of Economics and Sociology, so I have clipped Mr. Woodlock’s column from the Wall Street Journal of December 17 for your delectation, and for your further delectation I send also a copy of my somewhat extended comments on it in the form of a letter to the editor. After you have read, marked and inwardly digested all this wisdom and have no further immediate use for it I shall be very glad to have you return it to me either by mail or be sure that I take it from you the next time I am in New York, which probably will not be very long from now.
Here’s wishing you all the Merry Christmas that you merit, which is a whole lot more than many people in many lands are likely to have for a long time to come. Let us hope that at least a few of us will learn to turn our wishful thinking around into thinkful wishing.
S. H.
Title | Correspondence - 1397 |
Collection Name | Spencer Heath Archive |
Series | Correspondence |
Box number | 10:1336-1499 |
Document number | 1397 |
Date / Year | 1941-12-21 |
Authors / Creators / Correspondents | S. A. Schneidman |
Description | Letter to Doctor S.A. Schneidman and Miss Pyrrha Gladis Grodman, 207 Jamaica Avenue, Bellaire, Long Island, NY |
Keywords | Philosophy |