
Spencer Heath's


Spencer Heath Archive

Item 1422

Carbon of a letter from Heath to Art Young, The Irving Hotel, 26 Grammercy Park, New York City.

August 21, 1943

Dear Mr. Young:

     I am happy to act on the suggestion of our friend, Mrs. Ethel Clyde, and send you copies of my “Inspiration of Beauty.”

     This is an unrevised form of the final chapter of Part II (Spiritual and Psychological Implications) in a volume I have recently completed that sets out the specific technique for integration (into experience) of the physical and the meta-physical world. It is thus the foundation of a veritable and practical Science of Society (Socionomy) that takes the same rank with the “natural” sciences, in both theory and practice, that they take one with another.

     The additional printed matter that I enclose (except the criticism on Henry George) is taken from Part II of the volume referred to — the part that deals with a specific and very critically needed application of the new science, after its bases, both in physics and in history, have been established in Part I.

     Thanking you for your interest, I am,



Spencer Heath



Title Correspondence - 1422
Collection Name Spencer Heath Archive
Series Correspondence
Box number 10:1336-1499
Document number 1422
Date / Year 1943-08-21
Authors / Creators / Correspondents Art Young
Description Carbon of a letter from Heath to Art Young, The Irving Hotel, 26 Grammercy Park, New York City.
Keywords Inspiration Of Beauty Clyde