Spencer Heath's
Spencer Heath Archive
Item 1578
Carbon of a letter from Heath to John J. Grebe, Director, Nuclear and Basic Research Department, The Dow Chemical Company, Midland, Michigan
November 19,1956
Dear Dr. Grebe:
Your letter of October 24th with its enclosures is very kind.
The way you take account of population as effected by creative incentive is, I think, a very significant correlation. I am glad you like the idea of population energy being cyclic in successive generations with normally increasing periods — moving towards the center (immortality) on your great cosmic chart. This chart, by the way, may well prove to be the grandest scientific generalization of modern times. I am having it framed for constant reference.
In the current scene, I am taking a bit of time out for publicizing in my own small way the possibilities inherent in the principle of proprietary administration (versus political) in present-day world affairs.
Please examine the enclosed proposal for a settlement of the Suez Canal problem along strictly non-political, free-enterprise lines — through owner administration.
I should be glad to have any comment that may occur to you concerning it. In any case, if you think well of it, please pass it along to someone likely to be interested, with or without any credit to me.
I am much impressed by the singular breadth of your approach towards wider and deeper understandings of the order of nature in the social and spiritual as well as in the material realms. It is a pleasure to be in communication with you.
SH/m Enc.
Title | Correspondence - 1578 |
Collection Name | Spencer Heath Archive |
Series | Correspondence |
Box number | 11:1500-1710 |
Document number | 1578 |
Date / Year | 1956-11-19 |
Authors / Creators / Correspondents | John J. Grebe |
Description | Carbon of a letter from Heath to John J. Grebe, Director, Nuclear and Basic Research Department, The Dow Chemical Company, Midland, Michigan |
Keywords | Population Proprietary Admin |