Spencer Heath's
Spencer Heath Archive
Item 1634
Carbon of letter from Heath to Robert S. Lanier, 113 West 15th Street, New York City.
August 21, 1957
Dear Robin:
I fancy you might be pleased to have a copy of my recently published CITADEL, MARKET AND ALTAR. I hope you will enjoy reading it, and I feel sure that you are far better able to grasp its value and significance than many are.
You will note that it is grounded in physical and biological science, and that it shows how purely quantitative composition exhibits qualitative aspects depending on the proportions in which the quantities are composed——and that the integration of men into a higher organic form achieves functions and powers beyond that that any other living thing possesses.
It is nice to think of you sharing with me these interesting and creative conceptions. I have always had much admiration for your mind and heart and truly wish for you all the best that this life can afford.
Sincerely yours,
Spencer Heath
enc: “The Practice of Christian Freedom”
CITADEL, MARKET AND ALTAR under separate cover
Title | Correspondence - 1634 |
Collection Name | Spencer Heath Archive |
Series | Correspondence |
Box number | 11:1500-1710 |
Document number | 1634 |
Date / Year | 1957-08-21 |
Authors / Creators / Correspondents | Robert S. Lanier |
Description | Carbon of letter from Heath to Robert S. Lanier, 113 West 15th Street, New York City |
Keywords | CMA |