
Spencer Heath's


Spencer Heath Archive

Item 1662

Carbon of a letter from Heath to Elizabeth Churchill Brown, 15 Fourth Street, S.E., Washington, DC

September 18, 1958

Dear Mrs. Brown:

     I cannot tell you how pleased I am at your article on “The Secret of Political Success” in the August 25th issue of Human Events. It gives us conservatives a lesson we surely do need. The communists indeed do have an appealing, though deceitful, social ideal which they use so effectively on the middle-of-the-roaders who do not know which way to go. We conservatives, too, must have an appealing ideal. Many of us are not fully alive to what free enterprise can yet do for us.

     As an admirer of your and your husbands writings, I am taking a great deal of pleasure in sending you an inscribed copy of my Citadel, Market and Altar, in the hope that you will enjoy it, and that you may find in it something of the vision that we conservatives need to strengthen and to fire our souls.

     With many compliments to yourself and to your husband,

                        Sincerely yours,





Citadel, Market and Altar under separate cover.


Title Correspondence - 1662
Collection Name Spencer Heath Archive
Series Correspondence
Box number 11:1500-1710
Document number 1662
Date / Year 1958-09-18
Authors / Creators / Correspondents Elizabeth Churchill Brown
Description Carbon of a letter from Heath to Elizabeth Churchill Brown, 15 Fourth Street, S.E., Washington, DC
Keywords Communism Conservatism