Spencer Heath's
Spencer Heath Archive
Item 1758
Dictation notes taken by Spencer MacCallum for a letter not sent
Dear Sir:
We wish to thank you for your Annual Bulletin, “Know Your Enemy,” recently received. It is a fine thing to expose the real animus behind anti-McCarthyism. All this war on McCarthy is carried on chiefly to protect the supposedly non-Communist personnel in our Government and their supporters who, whether they intend it or not, are continuing to work definitely for the party line. My only regret is that in your prominent reference to the Communist Party orders “to fight McCarthyism” you do not support it by definite reference to and quotation from “The Draft Program of the Communist Party,” published by the New Century Publishers, 832 Broadway, New York 3, New York, or other official Communist publications.
Our own special province is not to expose the profoundly subversive tendencies of our increasing political and governmental domination over our free civilization and its processes, serious and even tragic as this may be. It is our primary intention to show the evolutionary way out of all this. We believe that our free society, apart from the political, is a living organism growing with the growth of free, contractual relationships and interchange of services among its members. We are endeavoring to show what these vital relationships and processes are and how they are capable of being extended into the realm of community services as well as the private services which we perform for one another.
Our efforts are mainly constructive, but certain errors and misconceptions with regard to property and contract have become so widely entertained, that we are devoting part of our efforts to the exposing of fundamental fallacies, pointing at the same time to the natural and evolutionary way out.
As examples of this we are sending you copy of our exposé of the chief land-communist propaganda, “Progress & Poverty Reviewed and Its Fallacies Exposed.” We enclose also “How Come That We Finance World Communism” and “Trojan Horse of Land Reform,” the latter being a critique of Father McGlynn’s famous condensation of the Henry George argument from the supposedly religious point of view.
We hope we can draw your attention to the fact that if all unfavorable programs and policies could be cut down, even to zero, in this alone there would be no recourse but to travel the same old road into socialism again.
There are two kinds of administration: governmental, which is coercive, and contractual and proprietary, which is creative. Only as this last is developed and extended can we escape from political enslavement.
Again thanking you, we remain,