
Spencer Heath's


Spencer Heath Archive

Item 1823

Remarks recorded longhand by Spencer MacCallum from conversation.

January 14, 1955

     Mrs. Evans asked me last night what kind of religion I had. I asked her, “What kind of arithmetic do you have?” /Meaning there is only one kind?/ She said she believed in the Golden Mean. I told her I didn’t. I told her, “When you get the exact mean between two opposite extremes, you have exactly nothing, and I don’t believe in nothing.”

The Golden Mean is a sound principle if a mean between a deficiency and an excess of a good thing; that’s the optimum.


Title Conversation - 1823
Collection Name Spencer Heath Archive
Series Conversation
Box number 12:1711-1879
Document number 1823
Date / Year 1955-01-14
Authors / Creators / Correspondents
Description Remarks recorded longhand by Spencer MacCallum from conversation
Keywords Religion Evans