
Spencer Heath's


Spencer Heath Archive

Item 125

Pencil by Heath on both sides of an advice-of-transaction card from the United States Trust Company of New York

No date





     Men must cooperate either in mutual conflict and compulsion or in mutual contract and accord. In the one they are negative and mutually repel. In the other they are positive, for in contract they are mutually drawn.

     Mutual conflict is war. Its wages is hate and death. Mutual service by contract and exchange is the dynamic of peace. Its reward is life abundant, ascendant.

     In their creative cooperation by contract and exchange men reciprocally serve, each serving many and being by many served in return under the golden rule of each doing to others as he would have others do unto him — whether realized or not. This love, as service, becomes impersonal and thereby universal, which is divine love. In this practice of divine love each, in his own way, does his utmost for the greatest number of others, while they in turn do their utmost for him. This is the ethic of nature’s or God’s system of free enterprise by balanced exchange, in which he is greatest who serves the greatest number and would be the servant of all.

     Under this golden rule of business, of serving others by contract without coercion and being in turn so served, men and their properties become highly specialized and vastly productive. By this creative and thus spiritual process the raw materials of nature are marvelously transformed. The generality of men are better nourished and live better and thereby longer average lives in a kingdom on earth that is from heaven and in which they are lifted towards fulfillment of their immortal dream of eternal life.


Title Subject - 125 - Life Ascendant
Collection Name Spencer Heath Archive
Series Subject
Box number 2:117-223
Document number 125
Date / Year
Authors / Creators / Correspondents
Description Pencil by Heath on both sides of an advice-of-transaction card from the United States Trust Company of New York
Keywords Religion Golden Rule