
Spencer Heath's


Spencer Heath Archive

Item 2301

Carbon of letter to Ludwig von Mises, 777 West End Avenue, New York City, with a suggested sample letter of recommendation from him to Yale University Press

October 2, 1945



Dear Dr. von Mises:

Mr. Eugene Davidson of the Yale University Press has taken a very favorable interest in my manuscript, CITADEL, MARKET AND ALTAR. He seems desirous of publishing it but feels that before going further it should first be recommended to him, in its po­litical and economic aspects, by a recognized authority in that field such as yourself.

 I remember that you were kind enough to say at one time that you would make such a recommendation for whatever assistance it might be to me in obtaining a publisher for the manuscript. Such assistance would be greatly valued and appreciated at the present time.

 Remembering your previous commendations, I enclose a brief suggestion as to the kind of letter that would convey the same to Mr. Davidson and would, I believe, be very helpful at this time.

 I look forward with pleasure to having you and Mrs. von Mises for my luncheon guests next Thursday at one.


Sincerely yours,




Mr. Eugene Davidson

Yale University Press

New Haven 7, Conn.


Dear Mr. Davidson:

My friend Spencer Heath tells me that you are considering for publication by the Yale University Press his manuscript entitled, CITADEL, MARKET AND ALTAR.

I want to say to you that I read this manuscript some time ago and have been hoping to see it published under the best of auspices for a manuscript of that kind. It approaches the social situation from a point of view with which I am not familiar, but in its polit­ical and economic aspects I regard it as a valuable contribution, not only original but in the long run essentially sound and well de­serving of publication by you.



/Penciling:/  Note — At luncheon Dr. von Mises says that Mr. Davidson and Mr. Donaldson of Yale Press will be in New York in a few days and he will then recommend the manuscript to them in person.







Title Correspondence - 2301
Collection Name Spencer Heath Archive
Series Correspondence
Box number 15:2181-2410
Document number 2301
Date / Year 1945-10-02
Authors / Creators / Correspondents Ludwig von Mises
Description Carbon of letter to Ludwig von Mises, 777 West End Avenue, New York City, with a suggested sample letter of recommendation from him to Yale University Press
Keywords CMA