
Spencer Heath's


Spencer Heath Archive

Item 2309

Carbon of letter from John Chamberlain, LIFE, Editorial Offices, Time and Life Building, New York City 20, to Richard Walsh, Sr., John Day Company, 40 East 49th Street, New York City

June 26, 1946


Dear Dick:

This is to introduce Spencer Heath’s Citadel, Market and Altar manu­script which I spoke to you about.

     As I tried to intimate over the telephone, its power to stir up the animals ought to appeal to the publisher of Horses and Apples and Rose Wilder Lane. The book contains the only reasoned answer to Henry George that I have ever seen, and after all these centuries I believe that some­one has at last discovered and formulated the true functions of private property in land.

     But there is a lot more to the book than this. Mr. Heath’s general philosophy is a widely creative one. A lot of people will disagree with him but he’ll catch most of them off base, for his arguments are not in the least conventional.

     As one who has ceased to believe in the beneficence of the politico, I’d like to commend this manuscript to your attention.



/s/ John Chamberlain


Title Correspondence - 2309
Collection Name Spencer Heath Archive
Series Correspondence
Box number 15:2181-2410
Document number 2309
Date / Year 1946-06-26
Authors / Creators / Correspondents Richard Walsh
Description Carbon of letter from John Chamberlain, LIFE, Editorial Offices, Time and Life Building, New York City 20, to Richard
Keywords CMA Land