
Spencer Heath's


Spencer Heath Archive

Item 2377

Carbon of letter from Heath to John Chamberlain, Cheshire, Connecticut

July 14, 1954



Dear John,


Spencer and I are on our way out to Michigan to visit Russell Kirk who was kind enough to invite us, and then down to Sewanee again — University of the South. You really should know a lot about Dr. Edward McCrady, head of that institution. He is doing much for the fundamental unity of science and religion and the development of free society.


 Attached to this is copy of notes I made to you in Florida last spring and which it seems did not get transcribed and mailed to you until now. I am sending it to you now because it still seems pertinent to all that it refers to. Regnery really ought to know something about the content and substance of Citadel, Market and Altar for he seems to me like a man would would like to promulgate something of the positive philosophy of Conservatism in addition to his very wonderful work on the purely critical side.


 I was only briefly in New York this spring but did stop in at Barron’s one afternoon in hopes of seeing you. I certainly do miss the pleasure of our occasional visits and discussions, and knowledge of how you are progressing professionally and in your personal affairs.


 Again with all best wishes and happy recollections.







Title Correspondence - 2377
Collection Name Spencer Heath Archive
Series Correspondence
Box number 15:2181-2410
Document number 2377
Date / Year 1954-07-14
Authors / Creators / Correspondents John Chamberlain
Description Carbon of letter from Heath to John Chamberlain, Cheshire, Connecticut
Keywords Biography