
Spencer Heath's


Spencer Heath Archive

Item 2526

Carbon of letter to Huntington Cairns, The National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.

February 25, 1957


Dear Dr. Cairns:


Please examine the enclosed proposal for a solution of the Suez Canal problem along strictly non-political, free-enterprise lines.

 I should be happy to have any comment that may occur to you concerning it. In any case, if you think well of it, please pass it along to those persons most interested, with or without any credit to me.

 Henry Regnery, the publisher in Chicago, has mentioned you to me as being interested in the philosophical aspect of things. You will therefore doubtless appreciate the general philosophic signi­ficance of this proposal for proprietary administra­tion of the Canal.

Sincerely yours,





Encls:  Solution for the Suez Purposes


Title Correspondence - 2526
Collection Name Spencer Heath Archive
Series Correspondence
Box number 16:2411-2649
Document number 2526
Date / Year 1957-02-25
Authors / Creators / Correspondents Huntington Cairns
Description Carbon of letter to Huntington Cairns, The National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.
Keywords Suez