
Spencer Heath's


Spencer Heath Archive

Item 2739

Typed page promoting Citadel, Market and Altar to prospective publishers.

No date




Here is an unusual book, — fresh, timely, unique, — the working out­line for a new OBJECTIVE science, a NATURAL SCIENCE of Society.

 Research engineer, inventor, ex-industrialist, student of the sci­ences and master of laws, this author LOOKS BEYOND PROBLEMS to discover PROCESSES — the basic social structures and their NORMAL functioning.

 Taking the same basis as physical science, this book treats of pop­ulation as a multiplex SYSTEM OF ENERGY WAVES having variable frequen­cy, according to the average life-span attained by its successive gener­ations, and constituting, by its SOCIAL functioning, the only organized life-form or organism that has power to subdue and re-create its environ­ing world and to become thereby SELF CONDITIONING.

 Clearly distinguishing voluntary SOCIETAL processes from the polit­ical and coercive, this writer finds public SERVICES essentially UNLIKE the general public practices that DEPEND ON FORCE and thus cause wars.

 By this distinction he uncovers an unawakened public authority, ever present, non-political, imposing no coercion upon the public whom it silently yet vitally serves, and by whom it is AUTOMATICALLY repaid.

 Having ONLY VOLUNTARY REVENUES, without taking by force (as do con­querors following conquests), this ancient yet still infant institution is shown fully potent to displace rulership and force with the services of peace, IMMENSE NEW INCOME AND PROPERTY VALUES becoming its incentive and reward, not as” a taxing and enslaving power but as the guardian of freedom and peace, the well-paid PROTECTOR and public servant of all.


 And in this release of THE SOCIAL PROCESS from taxation and conse­quent enslavement to a coercive power he sees the FREE system of public and private capital administration by its own NORMAL PROCESSES moving directly into progressive realizations of the ultimate social ideal.

 Would you be interested in the manuscript or a topical synopsis of a work of this kind?


Sincerely yours,







Title Book - 2739
Collection Name Spencer Heath Archive
Series Book
Box number 17:2650-2844
Document number 2739
Date / Year
Authors / Creators / Correspondents
Description Typed page promoting Citadel, Market and Altar to prospective publishers.
Keywords CMA Promotion