
Spencer Heath's


Spencer Heath Archive

Item 2873

Exchange between Heath and David K. Allen, president, Davis and Elkins College, Elkins, West Virginia




Dear Dr. Heath:                           February 15, 1960


Dr. McAdams tells me that you will be able to visit our college sometime in April. We are delighted with the news and will welcome you whenever you can come.


Our Easter recess is from Wednesday, April 13, through Thursday, April 21. Since many members of the faculty and nearly all of the students will be absent from the campus at that time it would seem to me better if you could come when they are here.


Dean Ross tells me that the period beginning April 4 would be a good one for a visit. We could arrange for you to give your lectures in a series of seminars which our faculty would enjoy very much.


Please let us know as soon as possible when we may expect you.


Sincerely yours,

/s/ David K. Allen





Dear Dr. Allen:                             April 23, 1960


In further reply to your letter of February 15th concerning a possible visit to your college, I have just returned East from California for some government business which will take up most of my time until the 9th of May. After that time, I will be free to accept your very kind invitation to visit your college and perhaps give a series of several talks or seminars if such can then be fitted in with your college schedule.


Thanking you for your past communications and assuring you of my appreciation,

Cordially yours,



CC: Dr. Laura Jean McAdams

Enc: “Christian Doctrine of Man”





Dear Dr. Heath:                                 April 29, 1960


Thank you for your letter of April 23. We are very much pleased that you can come to Davis and Elkins College and speak to some of our faculty and students.


However, since we are so near the end of the school year, no dates are available in the month of May. I talked with our Dean this morning and he wonders if it would be possible for you to visit with us either the second or the third week of October. School will resume in September and things should be sufficiently settled that we could have a series of lectures or seminar in that general period.


We will appreciate a reply, letting us know whether you can come at that time.


You will be sorry to hear that Dr. Laura Jean McAdams became seriously ill a few weeks ago and had to enter a hospital in Asheville, North Carolina. I had a letter from her not long ago and she seems to be some better, but she was quite ill at the time she left.


Awaiting your reply, I am

Very sincerely yours,

/s/ David K. Allen

David K. Allen





Title Correspondence - 2873
Collection Name Spencer Heath Archive
Series Correspondence
Box number 18:2845-3030
Document number 2873
Date / Year 1960
Authors / Creators / Correspondents David K. Allen
Description Exchange between Heath and David K. Allen, president, Davis and Elkins College, Elkins, West Virginia
Keywords Davis And Elkins College