Spencer Heath's
Spencer Heath Archive
Item 3138
Small printed, single-fold folder, announcing a series of 12 lectures by Heath on Monday evenings at the Master Institute, 310 Riverside Drive, New York. Titled on the outside, “CREATIVE SOCIAL CHANGE,” and in very small type at the bottom, “Complimentary—Admit Two”
No year given
310 Riverside Drive, New York
Announces a series of lecture-discussions conducted by
Instructor in Social Science, Former Research Engineer,
Specialist in the Study of Society
Monday Evenings at 8:30
Oct. 19 — Society, Nature’s Magnum Opus. The Highest Organization of Life — “Inherent Rights” Viewed as Inherent Functions.
Oct. 26 — The Double Heritage of Mankind — Destructive —Creative — Emergent Evolution.
Nov. 2 — The Fundamental Social Process, Exchange of Services —Administrative Services as a Function of Ownership.
Nov. 9 — The Mechanism of Exchange — Markets and Competition —Banking and Finance — Keeping the Score.
Nov. 16 — The Sovereignty of Society over its Territory —Functional Jurisdiction — Public Servants — Proprietors.
Nov. 23 — Effects of Governmental Dis-services — Jobless Capital and Jobless Men — Underproduction — Monopolization — Speculation — Inflation — Collapse.
Nov. 30 — The Paradox of Government — Operation without Administration — Financing by Seizures.
Dec. 7 — Government as an Agency of Public Service — The Fee System —“Public Ownership.”
Dec. 14 — Universal Freedom and the Aristocratic Ideal — Inter Pares, the Ideal and only workable Democracy.
Dec. 21 — Altruism and Egoism, Correlatives of Restriction — The Dissolving of Both in Functional Freedom.
Dec. 28 — The Method and Nature in Creation — From Quantity to Quality — From Value to Beauty — Aesthetic Inspiration.
Jan. 4 — The Soul of the Individual — Salvation through the Growth of Society.
The central thought is: All Structures — Cosmic, Social, Psychic — are in process of change, both integrative and destructive. Life, Growth, Progress are integrative change. Only integrative activities maintain the life and growth of society. Disintegration dissolves; it is the deathward trend. These two types of action, social and anti-social, are sharply distinguished and defined, and the form and functions of the society towards which creative change leads are clearly pointed out. Mr. Heath lays emphasis on aesthetic inspiration as the necessary motivation of creative change and shows the authentic function of religion and of all the arts as agencies of inspiration and impulsion towards all creative action and social growth. Lastly, an evolving society is viewed as the supreme environment for individual growth and self-realization.
Admission: Course, $2.50 — Single Admission, 25 cents.
Free scholarships will be granted to students and others having special interest in the Science of Society.
For information regarding this course and other lecture series, write to Mrs. N. Horch, Director, Master Institute,
Department of Arts and Sciences,
310 Riverside Drive; Tel. Academy 4-1700.
Title | Subject - 3138 |
Collection Name | Spencer Heath Archive |
Series | Subject |
Box number | 19:3031-3184 |
Document number | 3138 |
Date / Year | |
Authors / Creators / Correspondents | |
Description | Small printed, single-fold folder, announcing a series of 12 lectures by Heath on Monday evenings at the Master Institute, 310 Riverside Drive, New York. Titled on the outside, “CREATIVE SOCIAL CHANGE,” and in very small type at the bottom, “Complimentary—Admit Two” |
Keywords | Lecture Topics |