Spencer Heath's
Spencer Heath Archive
Item 3176
Two typed transcriptions by Spencer MacCallum from conversations with Heath at Winchester VA
June 22, 1955 and June 27, 1955
/After Heath’s commenting that nobody could make a defense of communism from the New Testament that would stick, because there was too much in the Gospels to refute it, MacCallum replied, “Of course, you could say that the apostles lived together communistically after Christ died. But it’s true that they did so voluntarily.”/
Nobody’s complaining about non-coercive communism. That’s what a community is; it is common defense /part omitted/ .. Any communism that does not have guns and gallows behind it is perfectly okay by me. But it is to those persons who draw no fundamental distinction between freedom and slavery . . They are the ones who accuse my writings of favoring either communism or serfdom, both of which are the dominances of political power.
/About disliking to stop and dictate ideas which came up when the recorder was not operating:/
The big fun is just conceiving the thing and then not having the picture fade — by impressing it upon another mind where it might take perhaps stronger lodgement than in the one where it is born. And this all the more so when the communication is to a considerable number of other minds.
Title | Conversation - 3176 |
Collection Name | Spencer Heath Archive |
Series | Conversation |
Box number | 19:3031-3184 |
Document number | 3176 |
Date / Year | 1955-06-22 |
Authors / Creators / Correspondents | |
Description | Two typed transcriptions by Spencer MacCallum from conversations with Heath at Winchester VA |
Keywords | Collectivism Communism Biography Talks |