Spencer Heath's
Spencer Heath Archive
Item 402
Typed sheet
May 3, 1958
The Universe is a Cosmos of Action. This Action is composite of three elements. These are distinguishable separately as Mass, Motion and Time. But they come into objective sensory experience only as composite unities—integrations into distinguishable Events.
Just as Universal Action is composite of infinite mass, infinite motion and infinite time—the Absolute Event—so any particular event is composite of finite mass, motion and time.
Particular events are composite of the same three elements or aspects as the Universal Action, the Cosmic Event. But particular events are finite, being integrations of finite mass, finite motion and finite time.
Hence they are finite and particular, generated out of the general—hence always related one to another and to their origin in the Absolute Whole, relative to it and to one another.
All relative and particular events together constitute the Universal Action, the Single Infinite and Absolute Event.