
Spencer Heath's


Spencer Heath Archive

Item 550

Spring 1960?

The basis for all organic growth, development and functioning is the supply of suitable food. This is the prime essential to the security and permanence


All living things may be looked on in either or both of two aspects. On the one hand it is a unit or an individual in itself, organized and composed of lesser units, and on the other hand it is a lesser unit, a compositional unit, in a greater unity. Thus every unit organism stands inter­mediate between those many lesser units of which it is com­posed and a greater unity that of it and of many units similar to it is composed. Thus every unit organism or individual of itself stands intermediate between the lesser units of which it is organized and composed and some greater unity in which this individual, in turn, and with many of its kind, is in


Every race of animals or of men must have a proper amount

of food if it is to survive. A less amount will shorten

and endanger its life. A greater amount will have similar effects. The greater part of the human race is sadly underfed and only a few suffer from too much. And further, starvation is suffered unwillingly and is imposed, whereas overeating is by choice and not by necessity. It is under individual and conscious control. Hence nature need not provide any general and unconscious safeguards.


Title Subject - 550
Collection Name Spencer Heath Archive
Series Subject
Box number 5:467-640
Document number 550
Date / Year 1960
Authors / Creators / Correspondents
Keywords Biology