
Spencer Heath's


Spencer Heath Archive

Item 856

Random taping by Spencer MacCallum from conversation with Heath

December 13, 1955

Imagination is seeing things in your mind. Memory is warmed over imagination seeing something the second time, and it is an entirely different faculty of the mind. Now my mind, when it’s running in imagination, seeing things, doesn’t seem to be able to function in the other capacity, as remembering things, at the same time. So the more I try to remember, the less clearly I can see what I am seeing. And the less I try to remember, the more I can go on building images in my mind.


Title Conversation - 856
Collection Name Spencer Heath Archive
Series Conversation
Box number 6:641-859
Document number 856
Date / Year 1955-12-13
Authors / Creators / Correspondents
Description Random taping by Spencer MacCallum from conversation with Heath
Keywords Psychology Imagination Memory