Spencer Heath's
Spencer Heath Archive
Item 903
Notes for Prefatory of Citadel, Market & Altar
January 1957
Every living thing has three basic systems: a body for protection, a nutritional system and a nervous or coordinative one — Citadel, Market and Altar, as it were. In society it is the same. Each is intelligible in itself. Hence the three great divisions of this book can be read and understood separately as interest may lead, instead of the genetic and ascending order in which they are arranged.
Every life-form is basically three-fold in its composition — structural, nutritional and neural or coordinative — Citadel, Market and Altar
Every life-form is threefold in its composition: structural, physiological, psychological
Every life-form is a trine. It has
structure, physiology, psychology
physical, nutritional, psychical
physical, functional, psychological
Every life-form has three basic aspects:
mechanic, metabolic, psychic
material, nutritional, mental
Every life-form has three basic systems:
mechanic, metabolic, psychic
material, nutritional, neuro-electrical
Society is similar. Its essentials are
/Here is a suggested re-write by MacCallum:
“Every life-form is basically three-fold in its composition — structural, nutritional, and neural or coordinative. And so it is with society, whose three functional systems are symbolized as Citadel, Market, and Altar. Because each of these systems is intelligible in itself, the three great divisions of this book can be read and understood separately as interest may lead, instead of the genetic and ascending order in which they are arranged.”/