
Spencer Heath's


Spencer Heath Archive

Item 912

Pencilings in a notebook while visiting at John Chamberlain’s home, of thoughts in anticipation of John’s promised foreword for Citadel, Market & Altar, Cheshire, Connecticut. Notebook is preserved in “Originals” envelope 912.

October 6, 1950


White envelope has items 912-923, 932-937, and 1169.

The subject-content of this book, its world-view and interpretation, is pertinent not to its present or to any particular decade or century merely, but to the whole era (or eon) through which the increasing practice of rational freedom shall carry mankind into the destined grandeur of its transcendent dreams. It is therefore both timely and timeless until it shall at last be cherished as a quaint relic from the nebulous past, both picture and prophecy of means and ends, of the universal human glory it foregleamed.

In their rational understanding of the physical world, its structures and processes, the modern man has gone far, and in the utilization of them to his ends and dreams.

This new science has no concern with anything in the natural world, save only man himself, the organized structures and processes among men. And in these it discusses those relationships which rest on compulsion and force and those that are voluntary and free. Of any others it makes no discovery, holds no concern.


Title Subject - 912
Collection Name Spencer Heath Archive
Series Subject
Box number 7:860-1035
Document number 912
Date / Year 1950-10-06
Authors / Creators / Correspondents
Description Pencilings in a notebook while visiting at John Chamberlain's home, of thoughts in anticipation of John's promised foreword for Citadel, Market & Altar, Cheshire, Connecticut.
Keywords Citadel Market & Altar