
Spencer Heath's


Spencer Heath Archive

Item 408

Random taping by Spencer MacCallum from conversation with Heath

Spring 1954?





     There is no cycle in the cosmos as a whole, for it is not limited in any of its three aspects, mass, energy or time — Substance, Power, Eternity.

     But particular organisms are limited in all these three respects — mass, motion and time. They are finite in all these. Therefore, as men attain more and more of immortality, they become more divine.

     As each particular organism develops, it moves forward in the cosmic march or stream. But being limited, its time runs out and its elements fall back by entropy to be reorganized in other evolving forms.

     Thus the individual growth and decline is a net contribution to the cosmic advance. The contribution of the individual is a net enhancement of the cosmic evolution. The effect of his creative functioning, as in human cultural achievements, carries on indefinitely though the individual as such be dissolved.

     But the cosmic substance, energy and time is universal, infinite, absolute. Amid all particular vicissitudes, it cannot as a whole decline. Life, integration, always transcends disintegration. There is always a net. “Life is ever lord of death.”

     The real meaning of all this is the eternal creativeness of the universal creation and the individual soul being perennially called back to God for rebirth, which is the unconscious significance of perhaps all primitive theology.

… the individual creation serving its day and disintegrating only in its elements to re-evolve …



Title Conversation - 408 - Cycling Of Lives
Collection Name Spencer Heath Archive
Series Conversation
Box number 4:350-466
Document number 408
Date / Year 1954
Authors / Creators / Correspondents
Description Random taping by Spencer MacCallum from conversation with Heath
Keywords Cosmos Organization Religion