Spencer Heath's
Item 1118
Penciling on lined notepad paper
May 4, 1941
The Cosmic power, being the spirit of God moving on the surface of a lifeless world breathed into it three kingdoms of life — the Vegetable, the Animal and the Human.
The creative love of God continues to flow into the life of man. It comes to him as a Light to illuminate the consciousness with which he is divinely endowed. As all the light of the eye is the synthesis of but three primary colors, so the light of the divine manifests itself in the three primary institutions of mankind, each growing out of and dependent on the other in turn.
The first institution is the Citadel — the place of protection and defense, of armaments and arms, of compulsion and governmental power.
Under protection of the Citadel rises the Market — the place of freedom and service through the power of contract and consent, where alone the balanced harmony of the Golden Rule can prevail and men serve each other in freedom and in peace as they would be served.
In and upon the values created by the freedom and the service of the Market, men find the freedom to do what they will and what they wish. The emancipated spirit of man released from its utter bondage to the necessities imposed by its physical and material world, gathers round the place of the Altar and winding the thread of its aspirations upon the shuttle of imagination weaves the graces of the arts and the ordered harmonies of the intellect into outer garments of beauty to reveal the essential divinity and spirit of man.
S. H.
May 4, 1941