Spencer Heath's
Spencer Heath Archive
Item 38
Spring 1960?
Original is in item #37
All natural science proceeds with the examination of happenings or events
The objective world is a complex of happenings or events, of acts or occurrences, phenomena or Action
All science proceeds with the observation or examination of events — acts — action; and science itself consists in the understanding of events. This is achieved by the analysis of events, by the kind of examination that ascertains of what elements an event is constituted and in what proportions it is composed. Understanding thus achieved by analysis consists of a mental image of the event and when analyzed quantitatively the mental image can be communicated with practical precision from mind to mind and become a part of the body of science — of events that are known — (scire, to know). The event itself is known physically (by the senses) as an act or a fact, but it is known as to its composition and magnitudes only by the imagination, analytically, and such imaging is understanding. From understanding by analysis the elements of the event can be re-synthesized and thus caused to recur by human volition and design. Or in the re-synthesis the elements of the event may be differently proportioned and composed and a wide variety or kinds of events accomplished rationally (by pre-determined ratios) according to human free will (within finite limits) and design.
Bringing about rationally imagined (planned) events by re-proportioning the elements of which they are composed is known as applied science, technology, engineering. And the quality of events is considered (imaged) as positive or negative, good or evil, according as they tend to extend or diminish the duration of human life.
- There are grams of Mass — force — inertia — Gravity — weight — All of which are measures (dimensions of a certain property of whatever happens and therefore can be experienced — action, events, phenomena, or, taken discretely — discontinuously — an act, an event, an occurrence. — Also called energy or work. (Energy — either a rate or a quantity of action or work)
- There are (also) centimeters — Another property of Mass etc., measures of motion which, being an element or constituent of action, also can be experienced — in connection with and as a constant attribute or property of mass.
3. There are seconds of Time — duration or, taken discretely or discontinuously, a time, a period (of duration) or, in terms of (relatively to) some other period — frequency, rhythm, resonance.
The human organism functions (acts) in two worlds — metaphysically and physically, imaginatively and bodily — conceptually and sensorially — subjectively and objectively