Spencer Heath's
Spencer Heath Archive
Item 2014
Pamphlet promoting Citadel, Market & Altar
January 1, 1959
By Spencer Heath
A Book of the First Importance —Roscoe Pound
The objectivity of a scientist, the appraisal of a business man, the spirit of a mystical saint, the language of a poet—these are the elements which make the book an experience in reading . . . This is a tremendous book, doubly rewarding to the reader.
Christian Economics New York
Without looking to the State for remedy or reform, the author traces in broad outline how men can realize a more perfect society through rational and intelligent action.
Mr. Heath’s book is concerned with those forms of human organization “which unleash creativity in its widest aspects.” It points out the operation in modern society of a universal law whereby free enterprise technology will ultimately provide public as well as private services at a profit, through free contractual engagements.
Journal of the Royal Society of Arts
CITADEL, MARKET AND ALTAR expresses an articulate philosophy of free enterprise. It is thoughtful and provocative and is recommended for the reader who will take time to ponder.
The New York Herald Tribune
New York
The author brings an original insight to a consideration of the “natural” organization of social groups. He foresees the opportunity for the free enterprise system, with the basic institutions of property and contract unfettered, to move toward a voluntary organization of all kinds of properties into large service units for the performance of many community and governmental functions. This he sees as the democratic alternative to arbitrary and wasteful bureaucracies, a normal growth toward an adult free society.
The Washington Post Washington, D. C.
This volume is the outline of a proposed new science of society, to be called “socionomy.” The author . . . maintains as his basic law that successful organizations are based on spontaneous reciprocal relationships among their constituent units . . . He proposes, then, that the free contractual relationship first developed in the free enterprise system be extended also into the area of public services, so that ultimately the present functions of government would be replaced, with a great gain in efficiency, by free
The Modern Schoolman St. Louis
It is impossible . . . to do justice to the range and vigour of [Heath’s] inquiry, which is refreshing in its novelty, and which testifies to an alert and sensitive intelligence.
The Solicitor
Heath’s most remarkable quality is the striking originality of his thought; for he has carved out an elaborate philosophic system much of which is his own, and he has pushed these ideas on liberty beyond their usual limits to new and exciting frontiers.
The Freeman Irvington, New York
. . . novel thinking which may well have an important influence in the years to come.
Commonwealth Producer London
. . . originality of approach and immense detail of research.
The Monetary Times Toronto
A volume full of original and convincing ideas. This book is primarily for men of good will in economic and political spheres; but the cultured person, endowed with good humanistic background, will benefit from its reading. In these times especially it should be published in Italian.
Tecnica Italiana Trieste
Suggestive and unexpected insights characterize this work. Systematically and at times as a pioneer, the author utilizes the observations of a lifetime to arrive at conclusions — far different from the standard antinomids — that help bridge the way between the natural and the transcendental world. Around this framework he establishes a many sided, practical world view that makes reading this book a really fruitful experience. We wish it were available in a German edition.
Des Ingenieurwesens
Religion has in recent years challenged the pre-eminence of sociology in the realm of social solutions. . . . Spencer Heath, however, sees the social value of religion as deriving from the broader realm of the esthetic. Beginning with the esthetic and inspirational elements in life, he develops a new foundation for an outline of socionomy, singlehandedly supporting with his own experience and skillful discrimination a world-wide design of creativeness, the indispensable means wherewith the American economy can attain its cultural development and goals. The thorough economic knowledge of Heath, his original views about population problems, his concept of ownership as service, all these ideas enrich the social sciences.
A Bible in modern guise? A religion based on demonstrable premises in lieu of dogma? In every way a wonderful book.
Technisch-Wetenschappelijk Tijdschrift
Here is a profound and thought-provoking book, founded on the sciences, universal in its scope, and predictive of societal growth.
The Board of Trade Journal Toronto
The author looks at life, civilization and its diverse manifestations from a de novo point of view that must needs come into its own, replacing outworn theories and old ways of thought.
Gazzetta Chimica Italiana Rome
… a serious book with carefully worked-out
plans and precise definitions.
Los Angeles
An outstanding contribution to the modern
Giornale Del Genio Civile Rome
The discussion is highly relevant to present attempts at social syntheses, and there is much to learn in the delineation of the basic social unit, the nature of a social structure, the relation between the dynamic and the static and the whole energy aspect of society in general. . . . [The author’s] willingness and ability to deal with spiritual factors as an integral part of the social reality open a door towards the future. It is a book written with warmth, vigor and clarity.
Main Currents in Modern Thought
New York
A brilliant and amazingly practical new departure in social analysis—from an original, inspiring and wholly new point of view. Founded on natural science and non-political history, it discovers vast potentials for public service lying unawakened in the modern system of creative capitalism. It thus foresees a radical evolutionary advance in the development of a wholly voluntary, value-creating and thereby self-supporting and non-coercive mode of public administration. The importance of this book, with its heartening vision of social grace and freedom awaiting to emerge, is vouched by scholars, jurists, outstanding economists, eminent churchmen, leaders in many lines.
Acero Y Energia, Barcelona 11-57; Anales De La Sociedad Cientifica Argentina, Buenos Aires 11-57; Balanced Living, Brookville, Ohio 3-58; The Board of Trade Journal, Toronto 11-57; The Book Exchange, London 9-57; Christian Economics, New York 1-58; Commerce, Bombay 6-14-58; Commonwealth Producer, London 3-58; Culture, Quebec 3-58; Economia Internazionale, Genoa 11-57; The Economic Journal, London 6-58; Economie et Humanisme, Rh&ne 7-58; The Eugenics Review, London 4-58; The Expository Times, Aberdeen, Scotland 1-58; Families Dans Le Monde, Paris 6-58; Forschung Auf Dem Gebiet Des Ingenieurwesens, Dusseldorf 2-58; The Freeman, Irvington, New York 7-58; Frontiers, Philadelphia 12-57; Gazzeta Chimica Italiana, Rome 10-58; Giornale Del Genio Civile, Rome 9-57; L’Incontro, Torino 3-58; Industria Colombiana, Bogota 10-57; De Ingenieur, The Hague 1-58; The Journal of Finance, Chicago 3-58; Journal des Ingenieurs, Brussells 9-58; The Journal of the Royal Society of Arts, London 5-58; Law Library Journal, Miami 8-58; Main Currents in Modern Thought, New York 11-57; Manas, Los Angeles 10-57; Marketing, London 12-57; Mid-Western Banker, Milwaukee 1-58; The Modern Schoolman, St. Louis 5-58; The Monetary Times, Toronto 12-57; National Review, New York 9-57; The New York Herald Tribune, New York 6-13-57; One World, London 6-58; The Review of Metaphysics, New Haven 12-57; Revista de Ciencia Aplicada, Madrid 5-58; Revista de Filosofía, Madrid 9-58; Rivista di Politica Economica, Rome 3-58; Santa Ana Register, Santa Ana, Cal. 7-8.9-57; The Solicitor, London 10-58; Technisch-Wetenschappelijk Tijdschrift, Antwerp 3-58; Tecnica Italiana, Trieste 6-58; Tijdschrift Voor Philosophie, Louvain 3-58; The Valuer, London 11-57; The Washington Post, Washington, D.C. 12-22-57; Zeitschrift des Vereins Deutscher Ingenieure, Dusseldorf 11-58.
Emerging Society
Spencer Heath
Designed and Printed by Yale University Press
Pages xxiv, 259; Gold Embossed; Six Charts
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