
Spencer Heath's


Spencer Heath Archive

Item 629

     Egypt, Assyria, Greece and Rome were none of them civilized. Always, predominantly they were slave states. And the otherwise enlightened world has yet no enlightened government. For all modern states follow classic models and function in the classic mode. They exist by forced labor and not by service or exchange. Upon the earnings and wages of their subjects they levy tribute. And with this tribute they wage and levy wars.

     History records only one civilization that did not decay — Saxon England — essentially without forced labor, tribute or taxation, a government of service by exchange. It was assassinated from without, enslaved by Romish con­querors. And its destroyers still follow the rule and are repeating the ruin wrought by Rome.


Title Subject - 629 - Saxon England
Collection Name Spencer Heath Archive
Series Subject
Box number 5:467-640
Document number 629
Date / Year
Authors / Creators / Correspondents
Keywords History England Government