Spencer Heath's
Spencer Heath Archive
Item 698
September 8, 1957
1. Width units per length unit (Area)
force motion
2. Length units per depth unit motion time
w Width units per length unit
f force motion
L Length units = Area
m motion units = Work
Area per depth unit Work per time unit
Depth units = Volume – space
Time units = Energy-in-action — Action
Width per length unit x the number of length units = Area per
depth unit
Area per depth unit x depth units = Volume — space – units
Force per motion unit x motion units = work per time unit
Work per time unit x time units = Energy-in-action — Action.
To determine the numerical magnitude of any right-angled volume or space having width, length and depth — three linear numbers are required: the number of linear units in its width per each unit of length, the number of linear units in its length per each unit of depth, and the number of linear units in its depth. Then:
The number of width units per each length unit
The number of length units per each linear depth unit
The number of linear depth units
The PRODUCT is the number of volume or space units.
To maintain equal volume through changes in width, length or depth,
To determine the numerical magnitude of any measurable ACTION or EVENT or CYCLE, as an integration of Mass, Motion, and Period or Time, — three kinds of numbers are required: The number of Mass or Force units in its Mass (or particle) aspect per each unit of Motion, the number of Motion units per unit of time (velocity), and the number of time units in its period. Then:
The number of mass units per each motion unit
The number of motion units per each time unit (velocity)
The number of time units in the period.
The PRODUCT is the number of ACTION units in the Cycle or Event.
Dynamic Linear
Mass — Width
Motion — — Length
Time — — Depth
An erg is a force of 1 gram moving (uniformly) through 1 centimeter.
An erg-second is a force of 1 gram moving through 1 centimeter during a period of 1 second. — the unit of action.
The numerical magnitude of a quantity of ACTION is:
The number of erg-seconds per each second
The number of seconds in the period or duration of the action.
The PRODUCT is the number of Action Units in the QUANTITY of ACTION — in erg-seconds — called energy.
A QUANTUM of ACTION is an exceedingly minute fraction
of an erg-second — an integration of Mass, Motion, and Time.
It is the smallest quantity of ACTION that can be objectively experienced — concretely indivisible. (Subjectively it may be divided indefinitely)
Also, it may be variously proportioned as regards its content of Mass, Motion and Time.