Spencer Heath's
Spencer Heath Archive
Item 699
Pencil by Heath on notepad paper.
September 23, 1957
Assume some Mass in grams as so many dynes.
Then, let M stand for so many dynes of force.
Now, let 1 stand for the number of centimeters through which the dynes of force (M) act.
Now, let t stand for the time it takes the force d to act through distance 1.
Then 1/t is the distance 1 in one second (velocity)
When 1/t = velocity of light—rate of motion, action, and t is the time it takes,
Then 1/t x t = the whole distance.
Let (V) = velocity of light — 1/t = (V) = the number of centimeters in one second
Let (V) also stand for the number of seconds the force acts through (V) centimeters per second.
Then (V) x (V) = total distance 1
Then M—total number of dynes— x (V)2 = total work done,
total number of dyne-centimeters — ergs
So then (V)2 = number of ergs when the number of grams
or dynes is 1 — When M = 1
So 1 dyne acting at (V) velocity through (V) seconds has the energy to do (V)2 ergs of work. energy to act through (V)2 centimeters or (V)2 ergs. 1 dyne through
(V)2 centimeters = (V)2 ergs and (V)2 dynes through 1
centimeter also equals (V)2 ergs
So if either of these is done in one second it will be 1 erg-second, and, if repeated, will be at the rate of (V)2 ergs per second — (V)2 ergs per second x the number of seconds
units of force units of velocity units of time units of in dynes in centimeters in seconds work in
per second ergs
1 dyne x (V) x (V) = (V)2
A quantum of work is the least fraction of an erg. It is the fraction h of an erg or h ergs. Like the erg, it is composed of: units of force x distance l (units of velocity x units of time).
All quanta are equal, so, if there is a least or single indivisible unit of force, then when there is only 1 unit of force then velocity must be at its maximum and, conversely, when velocity is maximum there can be only 1 unit of force, hence under those conditions 1 quantum is composed of
units of force units of velocity units time
least units of motion
per unit of time
1 sub-quantal maximum number of 1 sub-quantal
fraction of a sub-quantal fractions fraction of a
dyne or gram of a centimeter second.
The product of these 3 components is h erg-seconds
When force is 1 dyne and velocity is 1 centimeter per second and time is 1 second, then the total action is 1 erg in one second.
But if the velocity is (V), then the number of dynes must be
1/(V) and (V) and 1 second and
h x 1/(V) x (V) x 1 = 1 quantum
1/(V) x (V) x h x 1 = 1 quantum
In the quantum
When velocity is maximum, the composition is either
In its own units:
H = 1 sub-quantal x maximum number x 1 sub-quantal
mass or force of sub-quantal time unit
unit motion units
In G.C.S. units:
(1) 1/(V) dynes x (V) centimeters x 1 second per second
(2) 1 dyne x (V) centimeters x 1/V seconds
Reducing to quantum size:
(1) h/(V)| x (V) x 1 second
(2) (V) x (V) x h seconds
(1) is least possible (imperceptible) force or mass with highest possible velocity at lowest frequency—longest period. (2) is largest possible force or mass with highest possible velocity at highest frequency — shortest period.
(1) = h x (V) x 1
(2) = (V) x (V) x h