
Spencer Heath's


Spencer Heath Archive

Item 765

Fragments — presumably verbatim notes by Spencer MacCallum, perhaps from when Heath was thinking how to define “entropy” for the glossary of Citadel, Market and Altar.


White envelope has items 765 & 766.




transformation into more order and resulting permanence of the pattern.



A transformation towards less order and permanence is negatively qualitative.



society as population so organized as to perform its function of introducing continuously more order into its environment for its own indefinitely extending self development.



fulfillment of the will, creative faculty, is the supreme value, the human value. This will to create or will towards self-fulfillment is only realized through those things which abide. It is the will towards more order. So more order is fulfilling the will.


Title Conversation - 765
Collection Name Spencer Heath Archive
Series Conversation
Box number 6:641-859
Document number 765
Date / Year
Authors / Creators / Correspondents
Description Fragments — presumably verbatim notes by Spencer MacCallum, perhaps from when Heath was thinking how to define “entropy” for the glossary of Citadel, Market and Altar.
Keywords Society Self-fulfillment