
Spencer Heath's


Spencer Heath Archive

Item 965

Typing on a ring-binder page

Spring 1937?

Original -> 962


(1)  Technical

  1. Physical materials
  2. Physical forces

(2)  Social

  1. Human materials   People
  2. Human powers

Physical Psychological

The social process is more significant and less attended to than the technical. There is a social process always antecedent to every technical process.

The universal process of nature is transfer and transformation of energy.


In the biological world it is called metabolism.


In the social world it is exchange of services.


This means division of labor.


From this come all technical arts, machinery etc.


How do men exchange services — and why?


Title Subject - 965
Collection Name Spencer Heath Archive
Series Subject
Box number 7:860-1035
Document number 965
Date / Year 1937
Authors / Creators / Correspondents
Description Typing on a ring-binder page
Keywords Society Technical And Social Process