Spencer Heath's
Spencer Heath Archive
Item 1203
Note from Heath’s Aunt Minnie Barr in response to his writing “The Isms and the Ions” (see Item 281)
March 4, 1934
Dear Spencer:
What you read me last night made me think of the verses I penned years ago — all under the ion. There is no merit in them, but if you will read them, perhaps you will see the constructive idea maintained, working toward an Ideal — nothing downward. I confess I have not lived up to them — Too much pull earthward.
Aunt Minnie
A Clarion
Is there aught thou shalt not dream of?
Aught that thou mayst not possess?
True the heart that’s in thy bosom?
Deep its wells of tenderness?
Dost thou sigh for good? Thou’lt reach it,
Distance cannot null decree:
Thro’ one’s own one’s own is compassed –
Thine shall never fail of thee!
Set thy standard high, and keep it:
Valiantly thy spirit hold.
Smilingly thy strong endeavor
With a mighty hope enfold
These the magnets that shall draw this
Thro’ the spaces of the spheres
Like to like — life in completeness
Crowning thee thro’ all thy years
Knowst thou not the gates of Heaven
Ever swing the opening way
And their radiance reaches even
Darkest earth that none may stray?
Courage, Soul. — be steadfast only —
Love, — thou shalt be loved again —
Bless, and in thyself know blessings —
God himself within thee then!
Written in 1887 — In a mood of exaltation
Title | Correspondence - 1203 |
Collection Name | Spencer Heath Archive |
Series | Correspondence |
Box number | 9:1191-1335 |
Document number | 1203 |
Date / Year | 1934-03-04 |
Authors / Creators / Correspondents | Aunt Minnie Barr |
Description | Note from Heath’s Aunt Minnie Barr in response to his writing "The Isms and the Ions" (see Item 281) |
Keywords | Poetry |