Spencer Heath's
Spencer Heath Archive
Item 1227
Carbon from Heath to Mrs. Horch, Master Institute, 310 Riverside Drive, NYC
September 17, 1937
Dear Mrs. Horch:
I certainly hope you have been having a delightful summer and that everything is of the best with you and your family and all matters of concern to you.
Before leaving New York in early September I called at your office and was assured that all was well with you, so far as known. Before October begins I will be back in New York where my address after October first will be Butler Hall 400 West 119th Street.
I am more than ever eager to give voice to the conceptions that I entertain regarding the dependence of all the practical arts and technologies upon the inspirational element in religion and the esthetic arts that have sprung from it. And I desire to explain and illustrate how the greatly needed advances that must be made in social organization and relationships are only awaiting the same esthetic influences in order to spring quietly into operation and be fully realized in practical ways, just as all other kinds of advances have been made.
I shall certainly be glad if through your institute I can bring these matters to the minds of a considerable number of persons upon whose educational background there lies a serious interest in the growth and happiness of the human spirit through building its own beauty into its social and political organization as well as into its environing physical world. I have no interest superior to this and there is nothing to which I can make happier contributions of time and effort and such of my limited personal funds as I may be able to use directly to that end.
Many thanks are due to you for your generous cooperation in the past. Let me assure you of the pleasure it will be if I can contribute actively to the ideal you are seeking to advance, doubtless under serious disadvantages in the recent past.
Until I return to New York my address will be 19 North Washington Street, Winchester, Virginia. Cordially yours,
Title | Correspondence - 1127 |
Collection Name | Spencer Heath Archive |
Series | Correspondence |
Box number | 8:1036-1190 |
Document number | 1127 |
Date / Year | 1937-09-17 |
Authors / Creators / Correspondents | Mrs. Horch |
Description | Carbon from Heath to Mrs. Horch, Master Institute, 310 Riverside Drive, NYC |
Keywords | Inspiration Individuals Esthetics |