Spencer Heath's
Spencer Heath Archive
Item 1254
Carbon of letter to Braudus Mitchell, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore MD
June 29, 1939
Dear Dr. Mitchell:-
I have just returned from a visit to New York from which point I intended to write to you via Johns Hopkins to find out where in the world you are and what you are doing. I certainly hope you are not now too far away to be within easy reach of your many Baltimore friends, and that I shall have the pleasure of making contact with you occasionally.
I was particularly delighted that since your separation from Johns Hopkins finally became necessary, that it was accompanied by so much manifestation of good will and regard on the part of those who have known you and have been associated with you. Even the good old “Sun” papers could not forbear some very generous gestures out of their personal esteem and, perhaps, even a measure of forgiveness for your economic heresies.
On my way up to New York I had occasion to stop over in Princeton where my memory was pleasantly revived regarding the occasion upon which you and other colleagues of your craft participated in kind of a memorial to Henry George. I remember how pleased I was at being introduced by you to a couple of Princeton men, both by the name of Whittlesey, I think, but I think you said that they were not related to each other. I liked the personality and apparent high intelligence of these men, and intended to promote further acquaintance with them. If you should now feel minded to give me cards or notes renewing my introduction to them and indicating my very great amateur interest in all the social sciences with history as their foundation, I will feel more at liberty to give myself the pleasure of a little visit and conversation with them upon my next passing by.
Possibly you know that for several years I have been preparing materials or, I should say, interpretation of social institutions and their inter-functioning. Some of those proposed chapters I have had printed or mimeographed for convenient circulation and criticism among friends. I have given some special attention to private property in land as per the enclosed, and to the formulation of a population concept as per the condensed outline enclosed, upon which a true science of society might be erected without any departure from or violation of the technique by which the natural sciences have brought themselves into so much practical utility and the peculiar eminence that they enjoy. If you find in either of these enclosures anything of value or interest, I will be pleased to have you pass them on with or without comment, to someone who might also find them interesting.
I hope very soon to learn that you have made happy connections in some place that will afford you even wider opportunities for such endeavor and building up affectionate good will than your long association at Hopkins has gathered for you.
Please include Mrs. Mitchell in my expression of very sincere personal regards.
”Private Property in Land Explained”
“The Energy Concept of Population”
Title | Correspondence - 1254 |
Collection Name | Spencer Heath Archive |
Series | Correspondence |
Box number | 9:1191-1335 |
Document number | 1254 |
Date / Year | 1939-06-29 |
Authors / Creators / Correspondents | Braudus Mitchell |
Description | Carbon of letter to Braudus Mitchell, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore MD |
Keywords | Socionomy History |