Spencer Heath's
Spencer Heath Archive
Item 1338
Carbon of a letter to Robert E. Ely, Town Hall Club, 123 West 43rd Street, New York NY
January 24, 1941
Dear Dr. Ely:
The writer is planning to be in New York for a few days beginning January 30th.
Remembering several pleasant contacts with you at the Town Hall Club and your particular interest in matters of social and economic significance, I am writing to suggest the possible pleasure to both of us of sitting down together either at luncheon or elsewhere, you being my guest, for a discussion of the fundamentals of social organization with particular reference to the extension of contractual relationships (as opposed to coercive and compulsive ones) through a better understanding of private property and, especially, with reference to private property in land. This institution, I think, has never been examined from the functional point of view. I have made an attempt in this direction, as indicated by the enclosed pamphlet entitled, ”Private Property in Land Explained.” I am sending this little pamphlet to you in the thought that you may find it interesting as a perhaps unique and heretofore neglected approach to an understanding of the social order and its basic processes. I shall appreciate very much having you give me your intellectual reaction as to what I have attempted to do.
Assuming your interest in land administration in its practical aspects, I am also sending you two other little pamphlets suggesting a practical technical for the rehabilitation of real estate values. The first and smaller of these is really a recapitulation of the other in interrogative form.
I recall with pleasure your suggestion in early December that we have some discussion of these matters after the 12th. I shall be very happy, indeed, if it is convenient to do so during my forthcoming visit to New York.
Please communicate with me at the Woodstock Hotel where I will be arriving on the 29th.
Yours sincerely
Spencer Heath
Enc. Private Property in Land Explained
P.S. Please let me assure you that my interest in all of the above matters is wholly esthetic and intellectual, and that I do not seek nor contemplate obtaining from any source material aid or personal prestige.
Title | Correspondence - 1338 |
Collection Name | Spencer Heath Archive |
Series | Correspondence |
Box number | 10:1336-1499 |
Document number | 1338 |
Date / Year | 1941-01-24 |
Authors / Creators / Correspondents | Robert E. Ely |
Description | Carbon of a letter to Robert E. Ely, Town Hall Club, 123 West 43rd Street, New York NY |
Keywords | Land |