Spencer Heath's
Spencer Heath Archive
Item 1343
Carbon of letter to Harold S. Roche, 1 de l’Epee, Montreal, Quebec
January 25, 1941
Dear Mr. Roche:
Myself and various friends as well have been delighted at the beautiful card and the greatly appreciated personal note with Christmas greetings from you.
I was happy to be able to find a copy of the Foss poems referred to, and am much more happy to know that you and your mother and sister have enjoyed these.
I do not recall in all my travels ever having found anyone to give me such cordiality of friendship in a new and distant place as I have received from yourself and family and friends. It makes me think of Montreal as perhaps the friendliest and most delightful place to visit that I have ever known, and I certainly look forward to the pleasure of seeing you again before very long, I hope.
It was also my good fortune to make excellent friends with quite a number of the faculty at McGill University and, particularly, with one of their Senior Faculty Organizations which did me the honor of calling a special meeting for the purpose of having me address them with some of my original and, I hope, constructive ideas. The members of this group impressed me as being preponderately realistic — a field in which I feel fairly well at home, but in which I do not find the spiritual warmth and esthetic gratifications that are to be found among circles possessing deeper religious beliefs. I shall be very happy if, upon some future visits, I may be similarly favored in making the acquaintances at the University of Montreal. I have a social message based upon what seemed to me the most fundamental spiritual and artistic foundations, conflicting with no existing school of thought or belief and resting upon an interpretation and understanding of those free and reciprocal relationships of services and exchange which have brought upon us such great advance in material values and, thus, broader foundations for a spiritual life. I believe that you have a very similar outlook, and that if and when opportunity affords, it will be a great delight to discuss these matters at greater length with you and your cultivated family and friends.
Please remember me kindly to Mr. Logan and express to him my hope of having more of his company upon my next visit to Montreal. As to when that may be, I feel rather uncertain now, it depending upon what occasions or opportunities may arise to justify the journey. I hope, very much, however, that it will not be later than the spring.
Remembering you with happiness, and thanking you again for all your kind sentiments, I am,
Sincerely yours,
Title | Correspondence - 1343 |
Collection Name | Spencer Heath Archive |
Series | Correspondence |
Box number | 10:1336-1499 |
Document number | 1343 |
Date / Year | 1941-01-25 |
Authors / Creators / Correspondents | Harold S. Roche |
Description | Carbon of letter to Harold S. Roche, 1 de l'Epee, Montreal, Quebec |
Keywords | Social Message |