Spencer Heath's
Spencer Heath Archive
Item 1361
Carbon of a letter from Heath to Stanwood Cobb, 17 Grafton Street, Chevy Chase MD.
March 5, 1941
Dear Doctor Cobb:-
At one of the seminars on the Philosophy of Science in New York recently, I met the sculptor, Lilly Rona, and was favorably impressed by her. I afterwards visited her exhibition of thirty-one portraits and nine compositions at the Arden Galleries where I enjoyed these works so very much that I sought out Mrs. Rona and obtained her permission to make inquiry in Baltimore and Washington concerning the possibility of having them exhibited in one or both of these places.
I meant to inquire of you yesterday concerning whose attention it might be well to draw to this matter, but did not remember to do so. Possibly you can suggest to me some person or persons to whom I could send or present some brief description of her work, and who might wish to establish direct communication with her at the Park Vendome, 340 West 57th Street, New York City.
Lilly Rona’s work seems to me to possess a deep inspirational quality in quite pleasing freedom from the harsh crudeness which seems to characterize so much of the contemporary art. I am impressed ae much by the solidity and strength as by the delicate beauty and spiritual implications wrought into her work. However, my only interest is to draw attention to her for the sake of any happy results that might follow.
I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed your hospitality yesterday, the opportunity of learning more of your work and thought and your generous giving of your time and attention to my own.
Sincerely yours,
Spencer Heath
Title | Correspondence - 1361 |
Collection Name | Spencer Heath Archive |
Series | Correspondence |
Box number | 10:1336-1499 |
Document number | 1361 |
Date / Year | 1941-03-05 |
Authors / Creators / Correspondents | Stanwood Cobb |
Description | Carbon of a letter from Heath to Stanwood Cobb, 17 Grafton Street, Chevy Chase MD. |
Keywords | Art |