Spencer Heath's
Spencer Heath Archive
Item 1375
Carbon of a letter to Clifford H. Kendal, 29 Bellevue Avenue, Summit, New Jersey
April 5, 1941
Dear Mr. Kendal:
Thanks for the funny. It is funny! But we must not judge professors by their worst, or by their weaknesses, or their errors. These things have no value and, therefore, cannot be measured or judged. We cannot condemn a man for not being an angel, because we do not know what a not angel is. All we can do is to try to measure by what amount of angel he is. It would be a funny kind of accountancy that would rate a man’s financial or property worth in terms of the money or property that he has not.
But now about those poor people who are so benighted that they cannot use my (written) language, and not only cannot use it, but are even unable to read it. I shall be very glad if I can learn how to use some of theirs, but I am sure you won’t expect me to be able to use it except so far as it makes sense, and if I remember some of your remarks at different times concerning their language, there won’t be very much that I can use.
However, I will be glad to have another try at it. When does the next occasion arise? Will the B. Franklin Club carry its next meeting over for a week or a month, or for how long?
I am going to New York on the 16th of April to meet my daughter, Beatrice, returning from a cruise, and will be around those parts for some days, at least.
How about that little trip of yours down here with Mrs. Kendal? Blossoms should be out almost any day now. I will not leave here much, if any, before the 16th. Better drop me a line right away, so that I will know when to expect you.
Cordially to all of you.
SH:ML Spencer Heath
Title | Correspondence - 1375 |
Collection Name | Spencer Heath Archive |
Series | Correspondence |
Box number | 10:1336-1499 |
Document number | 1375 |
Date / Year | 1941-04-05 |
Authors / Creators / Correspondents | Clifford Kendal |
Description | Carbon of a letter to Clifford H. Kendal, 29 Bellevue Avenue, Summit, New Jersey |
Keywords | Judging |