
Spencer Heath's


Spencer Heath Archive

Item 1506

Letter to Devin Adair Garrity, 23 East 26th Street, New York 10, New York

December 13, 1953



Dear Mr. Garrity:


Some months ago, acting on the kind suggestion of my friend John Chamberlain, I enjoyed a pleasant luncheon hour in your cultured companionship.

We discussed how, away from earlier limitations, a new kind of thinking in the natural sciences had raised modern men into such wondrous material powers, and what vast rewards could await a similar rational understanding of the current system of contractual (non-political) interfunctioning among modern men. In this I made reference to the inspiring results of my long research in that field of non-coercive relationships, as reported in Citadel, Market and Altar, which I sent to you later in manuscript form.

Writings of grave warning and protest against the totalitarian political trend are almost innumerable now. They would at best only reverse or retard the vicious trend. Few propose any but legislative measures or means, and the legislative process, in its results, always vindi­cates the worst forebodings of “the Conservative Mind.”

It is high time in history for a creative conserva­tism, non-political and non-coercive, saving and conser­ving free enterprise, with forward direction and a self-sustaining dynamism of its own in virtue of the values it creates.

In a hurried interview last September you were gracious to say that you would keep the manuscript before you and in the coming November give it the first hand examination that I was confident you would find worth while.

The voluntary human society, a new kind of Kingdom, is emerging slowly despite “dominations and powers,” needing only a dynamic, non-political conservatism to defend and speed it and to nobly serve. Citadel, Market and Altar is diagrammatic of this, — in principle, historically, and in practical detail. Its effective publication should bring much credit upon all parties concerned.

SH:sm                   Sincerely,


Title Correspondence - 1506
Collection Name Spencer Heath Archive
Series Correspondence
Box number 11:1500-1710
Document number 1506
Date / Year 1953-12-13
Authors / Creators / Correspondents Devin Adair Garrity
Description Letter to Devin Adair Garrity, 23 East 26th Street, New York 10, New York
Keywords Conservatism CMA