Spencer Heath's
Spencer Heath Archive
Item 1517
Carbon of a letter dictated by Heath but signed by Spencer MacCallum, as an officer of the Science of Society Foundation, to Andrew Dickson White, Caldwell, Idaho.
July 6, 1954
Dear Mr. White:
Sometime ago Leonard Read sent us a copy of your Fiat Money Inflation in France. We were enormously intrigued by it, almost terrified by your poignant presentation, especially in its psychological aspects. – A cloud, once no bigger than a man’s hand but which now threatens utter devastation.
It is our own happy conviction that there exists in the world and in nature what we may call divine alternatives to political and thereby destructive administration of property and human affairs – that the pure contract relationship, the non-political technology of the market, as it comes to be understood and applied is capable of transcending all the dilemmas that beset public affairs.
In line with this and with our compliments we are sending you some printed material that sets out the basic fallacies of coercive or political administration. It also throws, we hope, some light upon the non-coercive alternatives that only await our understanding of them in order to bless and serve mankind.
Again expressing our appreciation, we remain,
Sincerely yours,
Title | Correspondence - 1517 |
Collection Name | Spencer Heath Archive |
Series | Correspondence |
Box number | 11:1500-1710 |
Document number | 1517 |
Date / Year | 1954-07-06 |
Authors / Creators / Correspondents | Andrew Dickson White |
Description | Carbon of a letter dictated by Heath but signed by Spencer MacCallum, as an officer of the Science of Society Foundation, to Andrew Dickson White, Caldwell, Idaho. |
Keywords | Inflation Alternatives |