Spencer Heath's
Spencer Heath Archive
Item 1521
Carbon of letter from Heath to Russell Kirk, Mecosta, Michigan
July 28, 1954
Dear Dr. Kirk:
Spencer and I have had many interesting talks about the delightful visit we had with you and your aunt and uncle. But we have put off telling you anything about it because we wanted to send you a copy of a little digest I made of that article in The Freeman of some months ago by Lawrence Brown. I believe you said you had the article but had not read it. I was for quite a while puzzled as to its significance. But upon digesting it, it seemed only fair to characterize it as I did in a note at the end of my digest. Perhaps that is one reason why I shall be very happy to get your slant on it if you will be so kind. The article is at any rate so cleverly written that I think it merits careful appraisement of its value whether for good or ill.
I have been wondering very much when we can see a copy of your forthcoming A Program for Conservatives, either in the full volume or in any preliminary chapters which, in line with your suggestion, I may have opportunity to peruse.
I am wondering if your mind will not be looking in the direction of public administration by the organized proprietors of the public community. It seems to me that the sound tradition of English conservation is that of proprietors dealing in their local jurisdictions on the basis of free contract with the inhabitants of their properties, and in their national jurisdiction conserving those values which are beneficial to their properties and to the inhabitants thereof.
It seems to me that a sound positive program for Conservatism might spring from such a foundation and move in the direction of community services and properties being administered by the organized owners of the community, whose first measures, or among the first, would be to protect their inhabitants from bureaucratic tyranny and further devastation of the countrysides. Surely a program of dynamic conservatism must involve some positive action based upon reciprocal duties and obligations instead of the barren and fatal rule of governmental force.
I hope your mind is being inspired in these directions and from your position as intellectual leader of the Neo-Conservatism will bear many fruits.
Please include Mr. McClellan and your great-aunt in the very kind wishes and recollections that your hospitality inspired.
Sincerely yours,
Enc: Digest of Brown article.
“Private Property in Land Explained”
Title | Correspondence - 1521 |
Collection Name | Spencer Heath Archive |
Series | Correspondence |
Box number | 11:1500-1710 |
Document number | 1521 |
Date / Year | 1954-07-20 |
Authors / Creators / Correspondents | Russell Kirk |
Description | Carbon of letter from Heath to Russell Kirk, Mecosta, Michigan |
Keywords | Conservatism History |