Spencer Heath's
Spencer Heath Archive
Item 1527
Letter from Heath at Waterford, Virginia to Dr. and Mrs. Titus Podea
September 10, 1954
My very dear friends:
I have just returned from the University of the South at Sewanee, Tennessee, where among other things I took a very interesting and enjoyable course in advanced theology.
Many times I have had you in mind with delightful recollections of your cordial friendliness and appreciation of my hopes and plans for further enlightenment concerning the nature of our public affairs, wishing often that I might enjoy a half-hour in your inspiring company. You (or one of you) were kind enough to send me some of Dr. Podea’s published material that interested me very much but which, owing to the lack of any assistant, I am afraid I did not properly acknowledge or otherwise show my appreciation. My grandson unfortunately was obliged to return to New York.
Amid all the public rumpus over McCarthy I felt strongly that the real issue was being over-looked. Accordingly I sent to the Wall Street Journal my letter of August 16 as per copy enclosed. Of course it is always a question of values, but to me it seems that the current emphasis in reference to McCarthy has been badly misplaced as compared with the Constitutional issue which I have tried to make plain.
Anent the Science of Society Foundation: Data for its legal formation has been in the hands of my attorney, Louis H. Solomon in New York, since before I went away, and I hope he will have taken action on it by the time I return.
Trusting you have prospered in all happiness and ways and hoping to see you ere long,
Waterford, Virginia
Title | Correspondence - 1527 |
Collection Name | Spencer Heath Archive |
Series | Correspondence |
Box number | 11:1500-1710 |
Document number | 1527 |
Date / Year | 1954-09-10 |
Authors / Creators / Correspondents | Titus Podea |
Description | Letter from Heath at Waterford, Virginia to Dr. and Mrs. Titus Podea |
Keywords | Constitution McCarthy Hearings |