Spencer Heath's
Spencer Heath Archive
Item 1572
Carbon of a letter from Heath to James E. Barron, General Electric Company, New York 22, New York
December 3, 1956
Dear Mr. Barron:
We were delighted at your contribution to the very fine Conference in Chicago last Friday. We were impressed by your demonstration that the entire creative capacity of the General Electric Company springs from the contractual relationships subsisting between every member of that organization and every other. We believe that creativeness is spirituality, and that this spirituality manifests itself among men exclusively through the practice of the contractual process — doing unto others in the same manner we would have others do unto us.
We believe that so far as this spiritual, creative, relationship is carried forward, divine purposes are being served, and will be the more completely served as we learn how to carry the principle of the Golden Rule into those areas of activity, local and federal, in which the iron rule so generally prevails.
As an instance of taking the golden rule of contractual, that is, proprietary or owner administration into a badly confused political situation, we enclose for your consideration a proposal for a solution of the Suez Canal problem along strictly non-political, free-enterprise lines.
We should be glad to have any comment that may occur to you concerning this proposal. In any case, if you think well of it, please pass it along to those persons most interested, with or without any credit to us.
We feel that the Conference was a very great success and hope we shall have the pleasure of seeing you again on similar occasions.
With many best wishes, Sincerely yours,
Enc. Solution for Suez
Christian Doctrine of Man
Title | Correspondence - 1572 |
Collection Name | Spencer Heath Archive |
Series | Correspondence |
Box number | 11:1500-1710 |
Document number | 1572 |
Date / Year | 1956-12-03 |
Authors / Creators / Correspondents | James E. Barron |
Description | Carbon of a letter from Heath to James E. Barron, General Electric Company, New York 22, New York |
Keywords | Spirituality |