Spencer Heath's
Spencer Heath Archive
Item 1579
Carbon of a letter from Heath to John J. Grebe, Director, Nuclear and Basic Research Department, The Dow Chemical Company, Midland, Michigan
October 18, 1956
Dear Dr. Grebe:
It was very kind of you some two months ago to send me copies of your “Frontiers of Science” and one of your “Science in Philosophy.”
I have read them again and again and studied carefully your visual chart and am greatly inspired by it all. There has never until now been such a marvelous and orderly synthesis of the whole cosmic field including man — throughout the whole range of his possible objective experience of it and of his subjective consciousness and understanding of it, as he is now constituted (For it doth not yet what we shall be). And your thought has the same scope and beauty as your chart.
My own great interest for some years, although wholly amateur, has been along very similar lines, beginning with the natural sciences and extending especially into the general organization of men in their free and reciprocal relationships wholly apart and distinguished from the political and coercive.
Intellectually and spiritually, this has been a rewarding adventure. My report on it, long in preparation, is now being put in type for early publication under the title, Citadel, Market and Altar. My method and procedure has been so similar to yours, I take the liberty of sending you some preliminary, unrevised proofs (16 galleys) in the hope that you may find them interesting — and possibly make some comments or suggestions of great value to me.
I am happy to find you so much in accord with Dr. Sinnott, who personally and in his writings I so much admire. His Cell and Psyche and Biology of the Spirit, doubtless you well know. And there is also Prof. Erwin Schroedinger, another spirit and mind too far-ranging for the narrow confines of a single discipline and tradition, as evidenced in his What is Life?.
Your “Science in Philosophy” is as provocative as it is inspiring. As soon as your re-writing of it is finished, I shall be happy to see it in its latest form.
SH/m Enc.
Title | Correspondence - 1579 |
Collection Name | Spencer Heath Archive |
Series | Correspondence |
Box number | 11:1500-1710 |
Document number | 1579 |
Date / Year | 1956-10-18 |
Authors / Creators / Correspondents | John J. Grebe |
Description | Carbon of a letter from Heath to John J. Grebe, Director, Nuclear and Basic Research Department, The Dow Chemical Company, Midland, Michigan |
Keywords | CMA |