Spencer Heath's
Spencer Heath Archive
Item 1587
Carbon of a letter from Heath to Stirling Harrison, Commonwealth’s Attorney, Leesburg, Virginia, together with newspaper clipping of the article in question and Mr. Harrison’s reply.
January 15, 1956
Dear Mr. Harrison:
Let me express to you my great appreciation of your article in the Loudoun Times Mirror, clipping of which my daughter, Lucile MacCallum, has sent me. It is good to see some good, old-time constitutionalism still holding its ground with some of our still politically sober citizens.
For all its present desuetude, States’ Rights is all there is between the common citizen and a distant bureaucracy, whether resident in Washington or in Moscow. Compared with the rights of citizens to make their own local laws, integration is only a minor issue. But even so, forcible integration is one step in the direction of “totalism.”
This whole matter of segregation rests upon education, so-called, being given as a privilege or enforced as a servitude. If and when parents are free, they will spend their own money for education just as they spend it for anything else, without letting politicians spend it, allegedly, for them. They will then be free to discriminate, and not be compelled to act indiscriminately.
My friend, Frank Chodorov, a year or so ago, wrote a sound analysis and appraisal of our public school situation. It appeared in the December 2, 1953, number of Human Events, published in Washington D.C., copy of which I am sending you. Its conclusions and proposals, while written long in advance, set forth the sound principles on which the Gray Amendment should rest.
Your own article is the only truly statesmanlike support of the Gray Amendment that I have seen.
With best personal regards, I am
Sincerely yours,
Enc: Article, Chodorov’s Solution to the Schools
Title | Correspondence - 1587 |
Collection Name | Spencer Heath Archive |
Series | Correspondence |
Box number | 11:1500-1710 |
Document number | 1587 |
Date / Year | 1956-01-15 |
Authors / Creators / Correspondents | Stirling Harrison |
Description | Carbon of a letter from Heath to Stirling Harrison, Commonwealth's Attorney, Leesburg, Virginia, together with newspaper clipping of the article in question and Mr. Harrison’s reply. |
Keywords | Constitution Schooling Segregation |