Spencer Heath's
Spencer Heath Archive
Item 1607
Carbon of a letter to Leonard E. Read, Foundation for Economic Education, Inc., Irvington-on-Hudson, New York.
March 18, 1957
Dear Mr. Read:
I want you to give some further attention to the enclosed free-enterprise solution of the Suez Canal impasse. It occurs to me that this Canal solution affords a rare opportunity for education in the merits of the free-enterprise principle.
It has become practically non-controversial that political control in this instance is not only impractical but is also a serious menace to world security and to world peace. The situation seems ripe for a constructive alternative free-enterprise proposal to be favorably received. Witness the variety of persons (not only libertarians) who have already unanimously approved.
In general, we free enterprisers have to contend against political proposals that have not been obviously discredited. But here is a conspicuous opportunity for education in free enterprise to get a wide and attentive hearing. For in this proposed application, the free-enterprise principle can have a world-wide news value and publicity to correspond. The enclosed editorial from the Hollywood CITIZEN NEWS (circulation 340,000) is an example of this. And the quotations that I enclose are selected from almost a hundred favorable replies from a circulation of only four hundred copies of the proposal sent out.
I wish you would consider the advantages of your organization publicizing this point of view not only for its own sake but perhaps even more importantly as a trial balloon to crystallize public sentiment in favor of freedom and free enterprise in other acute situations and of its advancement as a policy in general affairs.
Application of free enterprise in the solution of the Suez, or even a very wide discussion of it, could bring wide attention to and great credit on an organization such as yours for promoting it, and quite possibly bring financial support from the great shipping and similar interests who would most directly benefit from a non-political operation and control.
I do not myself have the organization and facilities for doing full justice to this Canal opportunity, especially since I am in the midst of publishing a book and of other things that cannot be laid aside.
If this seems like a desirable side-undertaking for you and with possibilities such as I have indicated, I shall be very glad to have you take it up entirely de novo and without any credit to me for authorship or for anything already done.
Think it over carefully and let me know how it seems to you.
Enc: CITIZEN NEWS editorial, 2/28
“Solution for the Suez” Extracts from letters rec.
Title | Correspondence - 1607 |
Collection Name | Spencer Heath Archive |
Series | Correspondence |
Box number | 11:1500-1710 |
Document number | 1607 |
Date / Year | 1957-03-18 |
Authors / Creators / Correspondents | Leonard E. Read |
Description | Carbon of a letter to Leonard E. Read, Foundation for Economic Education, Inc., Irvington-on-Hudson, New York |
Keywords | Proprietary Admin Suez |