Spencer Heath's
Spencer Heath Archive
Item 1616
Extract from penned notes for a letter of transmittal of Citadel, Market and Altar to E. Merrill Root which never was sent. Another went in its place.
May 1957
Dear Dr. Root:
I cannot tell you how much I owe to you and to Faith and Freedom for publishing your …
The second half of it is pure poetry in its highest spiritual significance.
Leonard Read, in reference to my comment on Dr. Ohmann’s “Skyhooks” has been as generous as to write me, “Your insights, in my view, are perfectly remarkable. How few have perceived that “the values of the spirit are not diminished in their giving but multiplied to the giver in such measure as he gives.” The fine poetic and spiritual quality of your verse and prose inspires me with a similar and what should be “gratitude” towards you. It is wonderful how the values of the spirit are indeed multiplied among us as they are interchanged.
Apropos of this, I am happy to send you (under separate cover) an advance copy of an advance copy of my Citadel, Market and Altar which has been long in preparation and will help, I hope, towards a greater consciousness of the power and the beauty, the transcendent potentialities with which mankind in their reciprocal relationships are divinely endowed.
Cordially and affectionately yours,
S. H.
In all humility, to my friend, E. Merrill Root,
/s/ Spencer Heath
Title | Correspondence - 1616 |
Collection Name | Spencer Heath Archive |
Series | Correspondence |
Box number | 11:1500-1710 |
Document number | 1616 |
Date / Year | 1957-05-01 |
Authors / Creators / Correspondents | E. Merrill Root |
Description | Extract from penned notes for a letter of transmittal of Citadel, Market and Altar to E. Merrill Root which never was sent. Another went in its place |
Keywords | Society Inspiration Beauty |