Spencer Heath's
Spencer Heath Archive
Item 1631
Carbon of letter FROM Heath to Frederika Blankner, 3 South Nassau Boulevard Garden City, New York
August 22, 1957
Dear Dr. Blankner:
From my acquaintance with you for some years, and knowing your tendency towards artistic and creative thinking, I am moved to send you a gift copy of my recently published CITADEL, MARKET AND ALTAR. I trust you will enjoy reading it, and that you will be stimulated——perhaps also inspired——by some on its unusual points of view, especially the alternative it proposes by means of which we can grow out of our present political chaos and confusion.
As indicated by its title, the book is based on the anthroposophical conception of a three-fold commonwealth providing for the artistic and spiritual development of mankind, in which freedom and free enterprise, in public as well as private affairs, is the key——in complete harmony with established physical and biological science. I should be happy if it proves interesting to you, and perhaps also to some of your associates in creative thinking at the College and elsewhere.
I must congratulate you on the popularity of your lovely lyrics, which I regret I was not able to hear in any of their public performances, but which I have enjoyed reading very much. I am happy to know that you have supplied so much lovely antidote to a great deal that passes current for modern poetry.
Cordially yours,
enc: “The Practice of Christian Freedom”
CITADEL, MARKET AND ALTAR under separate cover
Title | Correspondence - 1631 |
Collection Name | Spencer Heath Archive |
Series | Correspondence |
Box number | 11:1500-1710 |
Document number | 1631 |
Date / Year | 1957-08-22 |
Authors / Creators / Correspondents | Frederika Blankner |
Description | Carbon of letter FROM Heath to Frederika Blankner, 3 South Nassau Boulevard Garden City, New York |
Keywords | CMA Anthroposophy |