Spencer Heath's
Spencer Heath Archive
Item 1639
Carbon of a letter to Julio Morales Morales, Inter-American Investment Management, Inc., Box 11002, Santurce, Puerto Rico.
September 4, 1957
Dear Dr. Morales:
Reflecting on the various matters of interest that came up during the recent Seminar at Irvington-on-Hudson; and the pleasant personal contacts which it afforded, I feel disposed to drop you a line or two of appreciation for your various contributions in the course of the discussions. I recall that from first to last, your special preoccupation seemed to be rather more with the ends to be served by economic freedom than with the specific mechanics under which the freedom is practiced as a means towards something beyond.
If all things must have a use or a purpose, freedom should be no exception. Most of us are a little vague about this. It therefore gives me great pleasure to present to you a copy of my recently published Citadel, Market and Altar, with the thought that you may find within its pages an exposition not only of the creative principle and its methodology in human affairs, but also some intimation of the inspirational — not to say religious — achievements and ends towards which freedom leads.
With many good wishes and hoping for further contacts with you, I remain
Cordially yours,
Citadel, Market and Altar under separate cover
Title | Correspondence - 1639 |
Collection Name | Spencer Heath Archive |
Series | Correspondence |
Box number | 11:1500-1710 |
Document number | 1639 |
Date / Year | 1957-09-04 |
Authors / Creators / Correspondents | Julio Morales Morales |
Description | Carbon of a letter to Julio Morales Morales, Inter-American Investment Management, Inc., Box 11002, Santurce, Puerto Rico |
Keywords | CMA Freedom |