Spencer Heath's
Spencer Heath Archive
Item 1642
Carbon of a letter from Heath to James C. Ingebretsen, San Jacinto, California.
September 4, 1957
Dear Dr. Ingebretsen:
As the summer season wanes, I am looking forward hopefully to a new impetus in the advance of Spiritual Mobilization. I am writing especially to express my well-wishing for the continued fortunes of Faith & Freedom. For it draws upon the resources of religious enthusiasm, without which a rational economics tends to fall flat. In every issue I have felt a profound emotional urge, the kind that moves people to live or die for a cause. The enemy is not lacking in emotional fervor for a bad cause. We must parallel this — on behalf of the angels, so to speak. The enemy appeals only to the animal instincts, whereas we have vast oceans of rational beauty and esthetic appeal at our command.
If you are planning to review my Citadel, Market and Altar and have not already definitely selected someone for the task, I hope it will be in order for me to suggest several seasoned writers, all of whom have some familiarity with my volume and I think might be happy to review it.
There is Virgil Jordan, who among other things I believe is an accomplished reviewer, and there is Rose Wilder Lane, a wonderful libertarian writer in close sympathy with liberty everywhere. There is also V. Orville Watts, who we know from his correspondence has been a critical as well as appreciative reader. I happen to know that John Chamberlain would be glad to write such a review if it could be considered appropriate in view of his having already contributed a forward to the book. He would, of course, make some engaging reference to his possible disqualification.
And how about Thaddeus Ashby, who writes with such vigor? He would surely be wonderful, provided only that his reading could be thorough and well digested before attempting a review.
I trust your activities, though burdensome, are still no less exhilarating. There is a spirit about Spiritual Mobilization which surely holds great promise for the future.
Cordially yours, Spencer Heath
Title | Correspondence - 1642 |
Collection Name | Spencer Heath Archive |
Series | Correspondence |
Box number | 11:1500-1710 |
Document number | 1642 |
Date / Year | 1957-09-04 |
Authors / Creators / Correspondents | James C. Ingebretsen |
Description | Carbon of a letter from Heath to James C. Ingebretsen, San Jacinto, California |
Keywords | Economics Free-Enterprise Religion |