Spencer Heath's
Spencer Heath Archive
Item 1664
Carbon of a letter from Heath to Frederika Blankner, Adelphi College, Garden City, L.I., New York
November 10, 1957
Dear Dr. Blankner:
I am hoping everything went well for you at the Matchette Foundation on the 8th.
There is much sentiment nowadays towards an integration of the world’s peoples in the ways of peace. For most persons, however, the union is thought of only on the basis of political, that is to say, basically coercive organization and methods, and, I dare say, your own earnest efforts towards effective world brotherhood contemplates, primarily, no other kind. Dr. Robert Ulrich, of the Harvard Graduate School of Education, who lectured at Adelphi College for the Myrin Institute last spring, writes me commending some of my work and to the effect that world integration will have to be based on some higher kind of bond.
I wonder if you know Dr. Ulrich. He has a copy of my Citadel, Market and Altar and says he hopes to get much of value from it. It occurs to me that your own ideals of world community might well be served in a similar way. I am therefore sending you with my compliments an inscribed copy of my volume setting forth a value-creating and thereby self-sustaining mutual service alternative to bureaucratic administration at home and arbitrary wranglings abroad.
I hope you will like this book of mine well enough to commend it to President Eddy and Dean Ballaine for themselves and perhaps also for the College Library.
The carbon copies of your letter of the fifth to Mr. Matchette I have read with a great deal of interest and am returning them herewith.
With very many good wishes,
Cordially yours,
Title | Correspondence - 1664 |
Collection Name | Spencer Heath Archive |
Series | Correspondence |
Box number | 11:1500-1710 |
Document number | 1664 |
Date / Year | 1957-11-10 |
Authors / Creators / Correspondents | Frederika Blankner |
Description | Carbon of a letter from Heath to Frederika Blankner, Adelphi College, Garden City, L.I., New York |
Keywords | World Government |